KENWOOD - An addition / remodel of a bungalow style residence in the Travis Heights neighborhood of Austin, Texas

CASONA - A Spanish Colonial style mansion in exclusive West Lake Hills, Texas designed along with David Wolf of the RealmBuild, Inc. design-build firm and esteemed New Orleans Designer Joel Dyer.

WOODLAWN - A Mid-Century Ranch House style addition / remodel in the Old Enfield neighborhood close to downtown Austin, Texas

ELDORADO CAFE - A tenant improvement for an innovative new gourmet Tex-Mex restaurant in an Austin, Texas neighborhood retail plaza.

BERTRAM - A floating house built in the Sausalito shipyard, then towed across the Bay to Mission Creek Channel next to downtown San Francisco while Moore with Robert Nebolon Architects in Berkeley, CA

BERKELEY HILLS - A completely new Contemporary Bungalow style residence near university campus on a steep slope with plenty of natural light and private courtyard while Moore with Robert Nebolon Architects in Berkeley, CA